

The Po River Dilettante Athletics Association, under the patronage of ACSI Ciclismo, is organizing the “Granfondo del Po” amateur cycling race on Sunday March 16th 2025 in Ferrara (FE) Italy. This race is registered in the ACSI Ciclismo calendar.

Saturday 10.00 /18.00   LAST DAY FOR REGISTRATION
Organizing secretariat: PALAPALESTRE – Viale F. Tumiati, 5 – Ferrara

Sunday March 16th 
Starting Point: Largo Castello. Grid opens at 08.00.
Race start at 09.00
Race arrival: Via Bacchelli

a) between the ages of 19 and 75sport card and receipt of registration, medical certificate IN ORIGINAL of fitness for competitive sport cycling discipline as per art. 4 of DM 18/2/82
b) It is possible to delegate another person to collect the race pack and the technical bag. The delegate must come to the pick-up with the completed delegation form (it is possible to download the form from the website and a copy of the delegating person’s identity document as well as the documentation required in point a).

a) a valid identity document, medical certificate IN ORIGINAL of fitness for competitive sport in the discipline of cycling as per art. 4 of Ministerial Decree 18/2/82, receipt of registration*.
b) In the case of minors, accompanying participants must present themselves together with the minor for whom they are responsible for supervision.
The President or delegate may present him/herself (with the application form for Societies and/or Sports Associations, stamped and signed by the President), with the receipt of payment, even if previously delivered by e-mail, of the proxy (the form can be downloaded from the website) and must be provided with a photocopy of the registered participants’ membership cards and a photocopy of their identification document; medical certificate IN ORIGINAL of fitness for competitive sport in the discipline of cycling as per art. 4 of Ministerial Decree 18/02/82, receipt of registration*.
Between the ages of 17 and 75. In order to participate,and they must apply for a ACSI Ciclismo daily membership card for € 10.00. The daily membership (non-refundable in case of non-participation) is for the activation of the insurance policy RC, limited to the duration of the event.The membership regularizes the position of the participant from the insurance point of view as long as he is in possession of the medical certificate of fitness for competitive sports practice cycling discipline pursuant to art. 4 of Ministerial Decree 18/2/82 . This certificate must not be more than one year before the date of the event to which it intends to participate. Otherwise participation will not be allowed. The issue of the aforementioned card entails the obligation to hold a valid identification document and tax code and it is also obligatory to complete and sign the ethical declaration at the same time as issuing the daily card both for Italian and foreign citizens, as envisaged from the press release No. 2 of the SAN
# 2. all those belonging to the competitive categories (professionals, élite, under 23, juniors, men and women) can participate with an invitation subject to authorization from the society/athletic group of the membership – to be presented to the Jury – without influencing the results of the race/event.

# 1.
By undersigning the application form or by paying the application fee, each participant commits to observing all parts of the rules and regulations, as well as to observe a diligent and prudent behavior during the event.
#2. By undersigning the application or by paying the application fee, each participant declares and confirms the following:
a) to possess a valid and compliant medical certificate for athletic activity, and to exonerate and release the organizer from any responsibilities;
b) to supervise any minors, before, during and after the event, in the case that he/she is the chaperone and in the case that the minor is not under the direct responsibility of one of the minor’s parents participating in the event;
c) to authorize the organizer for the use of personal data as well as sensitive information strictly regarding the participation, including the data of who exercises parental authority for minor participants;
d) to authorize the organizer to use at no cost any still images or video coverage without any territorial limits specifically for promotion and publicity reasons, as well as archive and documentation motives. These pictures and video can be realized by any recording devices, which can record the participants during the Granfondo del Po, without expecting any rights to the use of the image, including all related rights;
e) to be aware that the participation in the Granfondo del Po is potentially dangerous and to accept all risks related to participating in the event. For example, including but not limited to, sudden illness, falls, contact or impact with vehicles, other participants, spectators and/or other objects caused by detrimental and accidental facts but also possibly caused by adverse meteorological conditions and/or traffic and/or conditions of the pavement;
f) to be aware that the organizer is not responsible for any acts of vandalism, thefts or detrimental events of any kind that the participants could experience caused by anyone during any phase of the event, and to maintain the custody of any and all objects entrusted to each single participant;
g) to relieve the organization, volunteers and all personnel employed by the organization of any and all responsibilities, without any exceptions, for any damage, to people or things, third-party or non, that occurs during the event, consequence of direct and/or indirect declarations, facts, circumstances, physical state or conditions, negligence, incompetence, carelessness, or caused by violation of rules, ordinances, protocol, committed by him/herself and/or by other participants, renouncing a priori any compensation and action regarding the above, that is, any indemnification.
h) to accept the undisputable judgement of the organizers regarding non-admission, exclusion and/or disqualification and/or forfeiture in the cases outline in the Rules and Regulations.

The application must be submitted directly online at (without www.)
# 2. The event is upon invitation only. At any moment and with its undisputable judgement, the organization can decide to accept the application or to decline it. The organization can also decide to exclude an applicant from the event if he/she could damage the image of the event itself. In such instance, the application fees will be reimbursed.
#3. The registration period opens on ??? and closes on:
– 6:00 PM on March 14th  2024 on-line
Otherwise, one can register directly on – 10:00 AM – 06:00 PM  on Saturday March 16th  2024 at the organizing secretariat located at PALAPALESTRE  in Viale F. Tumiati, 6 Ferrara
When registering on Saturday, the race package is not guaranteed.
#4. The application form must be sent through the website and the following documents must be uploaded:
a) FOR ITALIAN MEMBERS, the copy of the membership card valid for the year of the event, and with the payment receipt of the application fee (in case of bank transfer)
b) FOR FOREIGN MEMBERS AND ITALIAN NON-MEMBERS, it is required to send the certificate of eligibility for competitive athletics for cycling (as requested by the Ministerial Decree Dm 164/24.04.2013), the ethical declaration, a form of identification and the fiscal code (Italian codice fiscale) For any information, the administrative desk is available during normal working hours at Tel. +39 0532 201365 or via E-mail at:
#5. Athletic societies and/or associations must divulge and promote these rules to their members and associates. Upon registration of each member/associate, the president of the athletic society/association must verify the existence of him/her and of the admission requirements requested by the official rules of the Granfondo del Po, declaring to exonerate and release the organizer from any civic or penal responsibility for untruthful declarations and/or omissions and/or the lack of proper verification of the requested information.
#6. SUBSTITUTIONS TEAMS: It is allowed to substitute one or many participants using the on line system SINGLE ATHLET Substitution is allowed only at the organizing secretariat organizing secretariat at  PALAPALESTRE on Saturday and Sunday before race. To proceed with substitution you mus present: identity card of renouncing athlet; the  new athlet must fill in the correct form  available at the organizing secretariat , and produce identity card and team card when available € 10 fee is requested for each single substitution made on-line (procedure available only for teams) € 15 fee is requested for each single substitution made at PALAPALESTRE the organizing secretariat. Foreign and Italian non-members athlets must apply for a ACSI Ciclismo daily membership card for € 10.00
#7. In the case of demonstrated inability to participate for health reasons, the paid fee (less the €10.00 of administrative costs) will be maintained valid for participation in the Granfondo del Po for next year. The cancellation request of the participant (submitted together with the medical certificate) is to be submitted through the appropriate form, available online, and is to be sent via email at maximum 15 days after the event date. If not received within the required time period, the right to utilize the fees for the next edition will be forfeited. For FOREIGN MEMBERS, the application fee will be reimbursed, less the costs sustained by the organizer for administration (€ 10 secretary expenses). The insurance emitted under their name will not be refunded


until November 30th 2024€ 35€ 10€ 10
from December 1st
until December 15th 2024
€ 40€ 10€ 10
from Dicember 16th 2024 until February 28th 2025€ 45€ 10€ 10
from March 1st till March 13th 2025€ 50€ 10€ 10
Saturday March 15th 2025€ 55€ 10€ 10

Thursday March 13th dead-line for on-line registration
Saturday March 15th registration by the secretariat at Palapalestre. LAST DAY FOR REGISTRATION.
To those who enroll on Saturday the race package is not guaranteed.
For NON-MEMBERS the increased application fee includes the activation of insurance coverage for the day of the event, that is, a daily membership emitted by ACSI Ciclismo for €10.00 (Supplementary insurance coverage as required by Italian Law article 15 Insurance policy for civic responsibility towards third-party individuals, service providers, for and in favor of the Italian Cycling Federation, its central and branch agencies, affiliated societies and its card-holding members,” n. A2LIA01126G, Lloyd’s Company).
The registration fee includes:
– Technical packet (race number for front of bike, race number to be placed on participant’s back);
– Race packet;
– Timing;
– Security;
– Medical assistance;
– Technical and mechanical assistance (spare parts excluded);
– Bathrooms;
– Refreshment stands throughout the race and at the finish line;

Art. 5 PAYMENT METHODS On the official Granfondo del Po website, exclusively by credit card, or by money transfer

The packets can be picked up at the organizing secretariat by PALAPALESTRE in Viale F. Tumiati, 6 Ferrara:
– Saturday March 15th (from 10:00 AM until 6:00 PM)
– Sunday March 16th (from 6:30 AM until 08:00 AM)
After the scheduled times, the candidate will forfeit his/her participation. In this case, upon request of the participant with the correct from (Request for failure to participate), only the race packet will be delivered.
#1. Each participant must present the following documents:
Membership card and receipt of payment. It is possible to delegate to another person to pick-up the packets for you. The delegated person must present the relative form filled out correctly (download from with a copy of a form of identification of the participant, in addition to the membership card and receipt of payment.
A valid identification document, the original, undersigned ethical declaration, the medical certificate for competitive activity for cycling.
b) In case of minors, the chaperoning participants must present themselves together with the minor they are chaperoning.
ATHLETIC SOCIETIES AND/OR ASSOCIATIONS The president or a delegated member can present him/herself with the application form for the Society or Association, stamped and undersigned by the President, accompanied with the payment receipt (even if already sent by fax or email). He/she must also present a copy of the membership cards of each enrolled participant, along with a copy of each member’s identification card;
TECHNICAL PACKET / MEAL TICKET The technical packet contains the race number for the front of the bicycle as well as the number to be placed on the back on the participant, along with relative laces and safety pins. The documentation that is fundamental in order to participate in the race is also included. The technical packet is strictly personal and cannot be surrendered to others, otherwise the participant will be disqualified. It is not allowed to reduce or cut the number is any way, nor is it allowed to cover any logos printed on them. On the back of the race number for the front of the bicycle, it is possible to fill out with emergency information, such as, a phone number to contact in the case of an accident and/or important medical information to be communicated to emergency staff. This is to allow the emergency staff to manage the situation, in case any health complications occur.
RACE PACKET The contents of the packet will be communicated online as soon as it is available

At 9:00 AM entrance to the grid/ At 9:00 AM start
guests, authorities, VIP, SPONSOR, Gold  Package
RED GRID: the first 3 classified for each category from the previous edition, eligible cyclists from the circuits 40 numbers will be sold at € 20 whose proceeds will benefit IBO ITALIA.
BLUE GRID: Amateur cyclists and Circuits members in order of registration
Amateur cyclists and Circuits members in order of registration
– GREEN GRID Amateur cyclists in order of registration and people with mobility difficulties (these participants are kindly asked to contact the organization to evaluate together the best departure grid).
To those who participate with a recumbent bike and hand bike, will start in green grid The organization reserves the right to disqualify any participant who does not respect the opening and closing of the gates to access the departure area, and/or any participant who does not depart in the position dedicated to his/her number and/or any participant who does not follow the instructions of the staff.
Short route
(85 km): Ferrara – Pontelagoscuro – Polesella – Ro Ferrarese – Coccanile Cesta – Cologna – Alberone – Zocca – Malborghetto di Boara – Ferrara
Long route (131 km): Ferrara – Pontelagoscuro – Polesella – Guarda Veneta – Crespino – Villanova Marchesana – Papozze – Bottrighe – Corbola – Ariano nel Polesine – Ariano Ferrarese – Berra – Guarda – Ro Ferrarese – Ferrara

Art. 9 MAXIMUM TIME Within and not after 3.00 PM.

The cyclists already in possession of a personal chip must indicate this in the application form.
The cyclists who do not possess a valid, personal chip are required to purchase or to rent a daily one at the Chip Point of the event:

Detailed information and conditions regarding the use of the chip are published online on www.winningtime

OVERALL FIRST 3 CLASSIFICATIONS: This list will be drawn up with the arrival time based on the official departure of the race, that is, Gun Time. Bicycle tourists and participants with mobility difficulties will be listed in alphabetical order with the relative time.
#2. CATEGORY CLASSIFICATIONS: The classifications will be drawn up following the Real Time, that is, the arrival time calculated from the moment of transit over the start line, based on the following categories: :
1) Junior 19/29 y.o.
2) Senior 1 30/34 y.o.
3) Senior 2 35/39 y.o.
4) Veterans 1 40/44 y.o.
5) Veterans 2 45/49 y.o.
6) Gentleman 1 50/54 y.o.
7) Gentleman 2 55/59 y.o.
8) Super G. A 60/64 y.o.
9) Super G. B 65 y.o. and over
10) Woman A  19/39 y.o.
11) Woman B 40/49 y.o.
12) Woman 2 50 y.o. and over (Women 65 y.o. and over 
#3. The absolute first 3 men and women for each route will be awarded upon arrival in Via Bacchelli. The winners are asked to collaborate with the organization by presenting themselves to the award ceremony, at the podium, within 5 minutes after arrival. These classified participants will automatically forfeit the right to withdraw the awards for the ACSI category to which they belong.
#4. The first three men and women participants of each ACSI category will be awarded individually with the official classifications. The first 3 men and women participants of each ACSI category will be awarded individually with the official classifications.  They will be able to collect the category prizes at the Palapalestre in Via F. Tumiati, 5 after the rankings will be made official. There will be no awards ceremony for the category winners.
N.B. All prizes must be collected by the date of the event. After this date the prizes will no longer be available, nor will any shipment of the same be made.
#5. A special prize will be given to the participant from the farthest away, that is, the participant who has traveled the farthest in order to participate in the Granfondo del Po. In the case that there are more than one person from that place, the award will be given to the oldest participant, or, if of the same age, to a woman.
#6. A special prize will be given to the first 5 teams with the most numbers of participants.
#7. A special prize will be given to those who arrive overall 100th and overall 200th.
#8. All of the participants who receive awards must present themselves to the award ceremony registration in his/her race uniform, or with respectable clothing, and must respect the instruction of the ceremony leader. Otherwise, the participant could be disqualified and will forfeit his/her prizes.
#9. The award ceremony will be held at the end of the race and will be based on the award chart predisposed by the organizers.
#10. The direction reserves the right to not deliver the prizes to third-party persons, unless this person is in possession of a copy the identification card of the person who has qualified for the award. A delegation form must accompany the identification card.

Vehicle traffic during the event will be temporary suspended for 15 minutes between the initial race car (INIZIO GARA) and end race car (FINE GARA) of the cycling race.
#2. The competitors passed up by the end-of-race vehicle, must finish the route as bicycle tourists, following traffic laws under their own personal responsibility.
#3. It is required to wear the race number for the entire duration of the race, until the end of the event.
#4. It is required to use the approved protective helmet.
#5. It is required to be in possession of a repair kit.
#6. For aspects not covered in these rules, the NA FCI and the RT FCI rules regarding amateur cycling and bicycle tourism apply and all participants are required to observe them.
#7. Participants are also required to respect the current state of the locations, that is, to not litter. Participants should dispose of their waste in the dedicated containers located at the refreshment stands. Participants that do not respect the state of the locations and/or that litter and/or that do behave in a correct and/or civil manner could be disqualified.
#8. In order to ensure the best organization of the event, it is prohibited to assist the participants with private vehicles (scooters, motorcycles, automobiles, etc.), including mechanical assistance (already foreseen by the organizers). This applies both along the route as well as along the side of the road. In case of violation, the participant with unauthorized persons could be automatically disqualified.
#9. Automobiles will be foreseen in order to transport participants that do not finish the race for any reason to the arrival area.
#10. The participants can use a racing bike or a mountain bike. For those who want to participate with a recumbent bike or hand bike will depart with the respective grid if amateurs or as bicycle tourists. In the instance that they are amateur participants, they will have a dedicated category.

Art. 13 HEALTH SERVICES Health services are foreseen for all participants along the race routes and in fixed positions: in Via Bacchelli near the public pools. In any case, the organizer is not responsible for any intervention and/or decisions made by the health services.

Art. 14 ANTI-DOPING CONTROLS Based on the enforced anti-doping regulations of NADO, the medical controls can be held in dedicated areas organized by the organizer.

. The mechanical service is provided following the tender and at a fixed location at the start.
#2. Any spare parts are payable, except for the wheels. In the event that replacements are made with spare parts, the participant’s personal data will be requested and the race number indicated. The participant must appear after the arrival at the PALAPALESTRE in the stands of the mechanics to pay the receipt of the spare parts and / or to make the wheels replace.
#3. In any case, the organizer is not responsible for any intervention and / or decision given by the mechanical service personnel.

Art. 16 CANCELLATION OF THE EVENT In the event of adverse climatic conditions or fortuitous conditions or by force majeure, for example, natural disaster, strikes, civil tumult, or in the instance that the suspension and/or cancellation of the event by ACSI Ciclismo and/or by the competent authorities of the territory, the event could be cancelled. In all of the above cases, the organizer will not reimburse any amount.

Art. 17 COMPLAINTS Any complaints must be presented in writing to the race jury and to the management, positioned by the organizng secretariat in Viale F. Tumiati, 6 Ferrara, risking forfeiture, in the terms indicated in the ACSI Ciclismo regulations

Art. 18 WEBSITE – PUBLICATION OF RULES AND CONTACTS The website in the official source of information regarding the event. All communications will be published online under the news section of the website , including modifications of services, locations and/or timing. The race rules are officially deposited and protocolled at the Comune of Ferrara – Productive Activities Office, officially “Ufficio Attività Produttive.” FOR ALL INFORMATION REQUESTS, IT IS POSSIBLE TO CONTACT THE FOLLOWING: Headquarters of the Po River Dilettante Athletics Association located in the offices of Link Tours Via Garibaldi, 103 – 44121 Ferrara, C.Fiscale e P.IVA: 0193673089. The administrative personnel is available during normal working hours at the following contacts: Phone number +39 0532 201365 – E-mail

Art. 19 PERSONAL INFORMATION REGULATIONS following Italian law art. 13 of D.L.vo 30.06.2003, n. 196
The information requested through the application form is necessary for the establishment of the relationship, and they can be used strictly for the activities of the organizer: being organizational, administrative, legal, insurance, and promotional, as well as in order to fulfill the requirements of the regulations and other reasons required by the Public Administration, that is, to be communicated to private individuals, in the case that it is necessary for the activity held.
#2. In the case that all of the necessary information is not communicated, the candidate will not be admitted to participation in the event.
The rights of the interested party in relation to the treatment of his/her personal information are listed in the Article 7 of Italian law of 30 June 2003 n 196. The interested party has the right, in particular, to request the party responsible for the data at the following email address: to cancel, transform or block the treated information that has violated the law, included those in which it is not necessary to maintain the information for motives for which the information was archived or subsequently treated; that is, the interested party has the right to obtain the update, the modification and, if desired, the integration of the information.
#4. The interested party has the right to oppose, in total or in part, for legitimate reasons, the treatment of the personal data in the case they consider it pertinent to the reason for the collection.

Art. 20 ORGANIZERS PO RIVER Associazione Sportiva Dilettantistica Tel. +39 0532 201365 – Email:

Art. 21 FINAL INSTRUCTIONS For aspects not covered in these rules, the Technical Rules for Amateurs and Bicycle tourism and the Regulations for the realization of amateur activity 2020 F.C.I. are observed. The organizer reserves the right to modify the current rules at any moment, for reasons that the organizer believes to be opportune in order to better organize the event. Any modifications of services, places and/or hours will be communicated also in the news section, at the link posted for integrations to the rules online at